
Birdwaching and Wildlife Waching in Wondiboi Mountains

Tour Package : Birdwaching and Wildlifewaching in wondiwoi mountains

10 days / 9 nigts

Day 1
Tourists depart from the port of Anggrem Manokwari to the city of Wasior Teluk Wondama Regency, tourists arrive at Wasior then are picked up and escorted to the inn

Wondama seaport, Photo: Eky Sawaki

Day 2
Doing bird watching at Rowi River and visiting the Aitumieri hill, seeing the former Dutch school buildings, doing bird watching along the way to the stone of inspiration.

French tourists in wandammen, photo: Eky Sawaki

Day 3
Together with tourists traveling to the forest to basecamp 1 which is at an altitude of 600 meters above sea level, tourists can observe various types of birds, butterflies, insects during the trip. Follow the river and see various kinds of plants and traditional medicines. At basecamp 1, tourists can see the lesser bird of paradise, if you are lucky you can see the Grizzled Tree kangaroo, (dendrolagus inustus).

Lesser bird of paradise in wondiwoi mountains
Photo: Eky sawaki

Day 4
Travel from basecamp 1 to basecamp 2. During the trip tourists can observe various types of birds, butterflies, insects, forest plants and other wild animals of lowland and highland species

Wondiwoi mountains flowers, Photo : Eky sawaki

Day 5
Conducting bird watching activities around the basecamp 2 location which is at an altitude of 1250 meters above sea level. At the basecamp location 2 tourists can see various types of highland birds, tourists can find hook-tailed cuscus, cuscus, small ground kangaroos or forest wallabies, a type of vogelkop tree kangaroo (dendrolagus ursinus)

Wondiboi highland birds and steam, Photo: Eky sawaki

Day 6
Make observations along the way to basecamp 3 which is at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level.

Bowerbird nest, photo: Eky Sawaki

Tourists can see Bowerbirds, and various other types of birds, if you are lucky you can find the wondiwoi tree kangaroo (dendrolagus mayri), see a giant banana tree which is about 15-20 meters high.

Giant banana in wondiboi mountains,
Photo Eky sawaki

Day 7
See bowerbirds and bowerbird nests that have been decorated with colorful natural materials. Make observations to see the wondiwoi tree kangaroo (dendrolagus mayri)

Bowerbird nest in wondiboi mountains, photo: Eky Sawaki

Day 8
Take a trip back to town.

River in wondiboi forest

Day 9
Visiting the church, observing shorebirds and the plains around the village, seeing the sago forest, enjoying the typical staple food of roasted sago and papeda.

Birdwaching in Ramiki Village, Photo: Eky Sawaki

French tourists are eating papeda, sago and fish
Photo: Eky Sawaki

Day 10
Tourists Depart back to the city of Manokwari, West Papua.

Flight Route to Rasiei town - the capital of Rasiei

If you are interested in visiting the Wondiboi mountains and need a guide, you can contact us via email: or WA +62 8124891154

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